Reason of being

MGN Algorithm

The idea behind the MGN algorithm is based on the fact(!) that People are spending their time listening to poor or/and generic music. I call it the Ed Sheran trap. Today streaming services will make sure you are always “pleased” with your choice of music, and the algorithms that they have put together will make sure that you never get disappointed. So, besides being lazy, you will miss out on the good stuff, and your window of music will narrow down by each song that you listen to.

That is the background of this basic idea. I want people to listen to good music again, music that they have memories of, and music that they have never heard of, much less actually listened to. Because I´m convinced that there is a great interest in music out there, people just need a little push in the right direction.


Martin Gerge Nilsson

I have been listening to music for as long as I can remember, picking up influences and great music where ever I go. It all started with my father, who got me into music from the very beginning, and his taste in music has naturally influenced me too. However, later on, I often found new stuff for him to listen to.

Born in the south of Sweden about 46 years ago. Family of five, including a wife and three children between 5 and 13 years old. Most of the time just keep my wife and myself alive. Apart from listening to music and working! I like to hit balls. Tennis or golf doesn’t really matter.

I have really very little to complain about in life. However, for some years now, I've really thought about the music landscape and the fact that music comes too easily to us through streaming services. When I grew up you bought records for your hard-earned money, and you had to make decisions and evaluate if you could afford that new CD each time. Today it's all there, for everybody, at any given time, which is fantastic in one sense.
But on the other hand the choices are too many and people get lazy and turn to lists made up by algorithms. Hence, despite having" everything" at their disposal, people nowadays tend to listen to the same shit all around. I believe this to be very boring, but I'm sure people are missing out most of all, on life. And that's where my idea for the MGN algorithm got started. I genuinely believe that I can help, and until proven otherwise I'm going to give it an honest try.

Furthermore, If I succeed, this will mean that more artists will be able to get attention in this world of generic horse shit of music. Maybe we will see breakthroughs that weren't even possible before. I know, I'm dreaming (and full of hybris), but wouldn't that be great? They are totally unknown artists that have been scraping by for ages, and finally, they get some well-deserved attention and appreciation. Anyway, that is my vision of the MGN algorithm.

Artists Of The Week



The Norwegian power synth duo might very well be the artist of the year when I summarize. The happy moments they have given me since a few months back. For many reasons, try to reason no 1 to start with; This time, this place. And try to sit still.

Gavis Harrison


Drummerboy of two(!) of the most important progressive rock bands for the time being. On my side of the pond anyway. I saw him and his friends in Porcupine Tree in Stockholm a few weeks ago. A true technical art drummer.

Aimee mann


In 2006, which is ages ago in music but really just yesterday when it comes to quality Christmas songs that stick, Amiee Mann made a fantastic Christmas Album, “One more drifter in the snow” A little bit of alternative of course, but pure quality right through the entire album. If I had to pick one it would be “Calling on Mary”.

Heather Nova


I was supposed to see her already in 2020 but due to covid, the concert was postponed to 2021. We thought. When arriving at the venue, and after trying all doors, front, back, under and above, we googled. Turned out it was postponed to 2022. So a few weeks ago we finally caught Heather, in a very mellow and crystal clear one-woman show. She really has a distinguished and rather marvelous voice. Still, the voice has been intact since 30 years back. Don’t miss out. And may I suggest, since it it Christmas time, Almost Christmas.


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